Eternacon 2018 Followup: Finally figuring out the points issue

Well, the time and number of solvers changes constantly. If the puzzle points earned for solving a puzzle changed on a weekly basis, it would reward players with a ranking based on the difficulty of the puzzle they want to solve. And, you can change the minimum and maximum number of points a puzzle can be worth through the function, or change the rate it increases points based on its age. And if a harder puzzle with fewer solvers was actually easier than what it appeared to be, more people would try and succeed to solve them. This would lower the resulting score of the puzzle, and changing the appropriate point totals of players. I don’t disagree that it’s complicated, and possibly even impossible to implement, but it’s (or even another similar function based on only the number of solvers) is the most fair implementation for scoring a puzzle.

I think the only issue I have with your method is that the point value doesn’t define the difficulty. It rewards players for solving puzzles first, and with higher point values for solving first. When really, even if it’s for the first 5 solvers, I as the first solver shouldn’t be getting more points than the other solvers while the puzzle has less than 5 solvers, simply because maybe I solved the puzzle first 4 years ago. However, if all 5 solvers receive the same number of points, then that’s not a problem.

Ultimately, the goal is to provide a difficulty rating and appropriate reward for solving any puzzle in the database. We can provide rewards for individuals who solve puzzles first, but it doesn’t make sense from the perspective of people who don’t want every puzzle in the database to be worth 100 points.

Could you give a specific example with an easy puzzles with lots of solvers and
an example with a difficult puzzles with few solvers. No math or as little math as possible please. Thanks.

I think you have to have a cutoff to make the manageable. You could use my framework above but decrease points for number of players solved. For example:
One player gets 800 points, the second solver gets 600 and drops first player to 600 points, 3rd players drops all 3 to 400, etc, 7th player drops all to 100.
Any closer? 

To summarize my comments:

Assign points as follows: 1 solver   - 1200 points 
                                        2 solvers - 1000
                                        6 solvers  - 200 points
                                        7 and above 100 points
Points for solving own puzzle - 20.

Create new database with 1-6 solvers and creator, add/subtract points as required, delete record from database after 7th player adjustments. 

The above would award solvers of difficult puzzles, not award first solvers.

Yet to be discussed - 30 days rankings and what to do and where to post lab points.