Eventual hosting of EteRNA on Flash game sites (Newgrounds, Kongregate, Armor Games..ect)

Seeing as how this game is flash based, have the developers thought of making a version of the game to be hosted on one or more flash game sites such as Newgrounds, Kongregate, or Armor Games?
The players on these sites are a vast number of people who will otherwise not likely see this game. On one of these sites there are curently 33,000+ people online playing games.

Another advantage is that the sites that the games are hosted on will often do some in-site advertising for games.

And another mildly trivial advantage is that there may be some returns on the cost of the game (from advertising shares with the sites). Although this will be a fairly small amount of money compared to the (what I imagine to be large) development costs.


I think that is a brilliant idea.

It’s bit complicated in that our game is deeply integrated into our own website, especially for the RNA lab experiments.

One option would be to cut out Tutorials & Challenges part of the game and host it on those websites. In the game we could say “If you want to participate in real world RNA synthesis, visit EteRNA website!”

What do you think?

That would be ok. It would definitely increase the public face which is, from what i have seen with science games, sometimes the hardest part. (Besides retaining players).

Any news on this?