Is there any way of finding out whether my submissions got included in the high-throughput synthesis?

How can I find out whether submissions got included or not?

yes, look at your design in the player projects section - if it says ‘this design is waiting for synthesis’ or whatever the exact words are then yes

Yes, thank you for answering Edward :slight_smile:
But that means that I will have to go into each Player project to see whether the submissions got included or not. I have a hard time remembering which Player projects I submitted designs in around 19:00 UTC (EST 2 pm), if any :slight_smile: I think I managed to keep within the deadline with all of my submissions.

The designs selected for synthesis are listed on your own profile page under the “Synthesized Designs” section. Click on your user name in the upper right-hand corner of the game to go to your profile page.

Ah! Thank you merryskies :slight_smile:
This means that I will have to keep the number of submissions down then, so I can remember all submissions made - and subtract the ones in the Synthesised Design list, from the total, in order to find the omitted ones :slight_smile:

Hi boganis,

we’ll have more unified interface for your lab submissions in near future with few other innovations in the lab (search interface, etc). we’ll try to get this in as soon as possible : ]