Multiloop boosting concept

Because i’ve never fully read the boosting guides, I experimented on boosting multiloops, and developed a concept, how to boost most multiloops with Gs. (AU pairs are recommened as closing basepairs.)

Important: Place the boosting bases before you flip any basepair!

At first we must know the grade(number of branches) of the multiloop.

If the grade is an even number, mutate all not paired bases next to the U of the closing baspairs into Gs.

If the grade isn’t an even number, mutate all not paired bases next to the A of the closing basepairs into Gs.

before boosting:

after boosting:

Please keep in mind, other boosting methods(Cs, Us) can be better.

This concept works with most multiloops, but if you know another concept for a special multiloop, use the other concept instead, especially for 3rd grade multiloops, because boosting them this way is very inefficient. (-0.1 kcal per boost)