Naturally Occurring RNA Shapes for CloudBeta

I thought it might be fun to try some naturally occurring RNA shapes in CloudBeta.
Here are some shapes reportedly found in nature, some of which could be worth trying:


@jandersonlee, if some of these end up in the next round of labs, can you make sure that the ‘natural’ RNA sequence gets submitted?

Interestingly enough, the purported “natural” sequence frequently does not conform to the EteRNA model rules and hence would not be allowed to be submitted. :slight_smile:

Or rather, for the “natural” sequences, the purported shape often is not the one that the EteRNA model would predict.

Case in point:

id: 2o45


shape: …(((((…((((((.((…)).)))…))).(((((…)))))…)))))…

Although the leading and trailing AA/… are added to pad to 63 bases, they are not the problem. The U-G at 12-33 is not predicted to be sufficient to close the 0-2 bulge and the G-U at 16-27 is predicted to bond, closing the 1-1 bulge.

But many other sequences are predicted to form the target shape.

That’s a great point. I’ll talk to the devs about loosening the constraint for submitted designs… [we could instead just have a ‘warning’ to the player who is submitting].