Player Driven Development & Tools for EteRNA (beyond scripting).

Ok, JL, so now the two scripting pages appears completely seperated. Thx for telling.

Totally agree with your opinion Eli. But Jee cares few bad users who try to manipulate code to solve puzzles without algorithmic calculation (e.g find posted solution from other users and hard coded them into script). Currently, dev server is completely seperated from production server and Jee,Diana and me have each branch can’t be interfered with others. Actually I implement developing environment that can make experts users download, analyze our script related codes and test “locally” on their own computers. But your opinion is great since it isn’t too difficult to make a new instance on aws with same environment as production server. I’ll ask it to jee. Thx Eli

An RNA visualization tool in Java woth looking at that can be run from a webpage, or on your own computer:

use the sample files on right side of download page.…

@eternacac – have you been able to find anything similar for easy plotting of RNA secondary structures in Javascript? For other resources, such as the RMDB we have been using Java-based VARNA

But its been a pain to maintain because of Java issues in some browsers, and would like something analogous in javascript…

We may get some help on a VARNA port to js from the good folks at they have done some of the work for their JalviewLite….

And the people at jsmol have done this work… so it seems it can be done (Java to js ports).

And kudos to ElNando for the progress he has made with the Vienna port using emscripten/clang/LLVM…

The second major use of Emscripten. Great work!

From kws4679:

This is converted version of RNASSD by using emscripten. Since RNASSD and Nupack uses a lot of external resources, it nearly impossible to convert those algorithms directly into javascript. Emscripten can automatically port C/C++ projects into javascript without glitches.…

Encog neural networks available in Javascript here:…

Also in C/C++ and Java.

and Encog’s javascript examples