Accessibility of the RMDB data

By Mat and Eli

Mat: I wish there was a way that we could import the Stanford RMDB data to Eterna, so they get accessible from ingame. I’m wondering if they are available in a different format or could be converted?

To get a better understanding of the data I need to see the shape data. It would help if we were able to see them as structure and load them from ingame.

On the rdat files format, the Stanford database files. I wish they were accessible in game

Chat outline:
mat747: off topic — nando - do you use the stanford RMDB much
Nando: more and more recently
Nando: although it’s not exactly easy…

Nando: yeah, that’s the thing about RMDB, not so easy to “visualize”, but the data is there at least
mat747: i agree
mat747: i just wish we could import the data into eterna
Eli Fisker: Yes, that would make things so much easier
Nando: would be cool, but EteRNA doesn’t show errors (yet)