Beginner Lab Ideas for the On-Chip Riboswitches

This forum post is meant to gather ideas for hypotheses and lab puzzles for players who have just started playing the game.

Given the current labs, and the difficulty of those going forward, it may be a good idea to give newer players lab targets that have a simple objective that will have both the benefit of introducing new players to the lab puzzles, and gathering important data for those analyzing the lab puzzles to use.

For example, maybe a lab puzzle called “Destabilize the MS2 hairpin.” The objective would be to design a sequence (within some defined constraint) that will result in a higher measured kd for that sequence. The results from this would inform players of sequences that destabilize the MS2 hairpin, providing insight into whether or not they could adapt those sequences into their design strategies.

And I’m sure there are other ideas and hypotheses that could be tested using newer players to submit the designs. So feel free to comment on the idea. What are your thoughts on this? What chip-lab hypotheses and puzzles do you think newer players could do the best job solving?