Blink at lab results

The switch lab results could do with more buttons/shortcut keys.

I don’t have proper terminology so lets say for now that in target mode switched/not switched are the two “states” :slight_smile:

I want to look at the continuous colours and compare the results in both states.

I want to see what changed between the two lists, so I want a button to just toggle the continuous colour results from each state, but not change the shape from the current target mode, so I can more easily do a blink analysis.

Hi Edward, thanks for the idea!

So in this case you would want another bar with which you can select “synthesis data” (or coloring)?

We should definitely consider these things when redesigning the results viewer. Can we put this in the new bug tracker?

I was thinking of adding a closed eye (blink) graphic next to the target and beaker icons on each row,

If you are in the row that describes the switched state
clicking they eye would leave the shape the same (target or estimated shape) but show the continuous colours for the unswitched state (and you could hide the molecule so people would know what they were looking at).

And similarly

If you are in the row that describes the unswitched state
clicking they eye would leave the shape the same (target or estimated shape) but show the continuous colours for the switched state (and you could show the molecule so people would know what they were looking at).

But whatever makes sense to you :slight_smile: