Cannot select all in new Script Editor

For various reasons I’ve found it useful to do a “Select All” (ctrl-A ctrl-C or cmd-A cmd-C) on the text in the script editor to save an offline versioned copy of my scripts when they start to get over a few hundred lines. It helps with versioning, search, parsing for syntax errors, etc. I cannot figure out how to select the whole text of the script in the new editor?! When I try the usual ctrl/cmd sequences it grabs too much of the page. Also, I cannot select at the top then scroll down and extend the search with shift-click. This was an important feature to me with arcknot now approaching 7000 lines.

Can I please have some way to do a select all? I now a have a syntax error somewhere in my code and little way to find it.

That was specifically an issue when not in edit mode - I had it set to “not editable” in addition to readonly so that it wouldn’t show cursor states and such but apparently that also disabled select, find, etc which are still useful. Fix for the “view” mode rolling out now

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@LFP6 Wonderful! Thank you. That makes a huge difference in my coding flow.