Challenge puzzle suggestion in the "Me!" page

Hello, in the new “Me!” home page, the “Wondering what to do next” section doesn’t display a puzzle challenge any more. This feature was quite useful.

As a result, hunting for a puzzle to solve means displaying a number of pages, until an unsolved puzzle appears.

I suggest you bring back the challenge puzzle suggestion.

My profile data in the Me! section disappeared as well. I can’t see my own presentation - although short :slight_smile: and which puzzles I have finished. Though when I click on other player profiles, I can still see theirs. Could we have the old version back please + the first 3 lines from the news feed?

I like that it is now possible to see how many votes you have left, so it is easier to remember to use them.

Dejerpha: Great idea. It has been filed in the bug tracker as #461.

Eli: We’re not quite sure what you’re taking about. It wasn’t possible previously to see what puzzles you’d cleared on the “me” page.


We have modified the recommendation to always show you challenge puzzle recommendation. When lab deadline is near, it’ll recommend you “vote” or “design” as the first option, and right below it’ll be the puzzle recommendation as usual.


You can still click your name on the top (above the menu) and access your profile page to see all your cleared puzzles.

I wish we could maintain both types of “Me” pages, but it’ll be bit hard for us. Since the new page can deal with more functions (such as private messaging), we would like to keep the new page and try to improve it with your suggestions.


Thanks, now I can find my profile page. :slight_smile:


So now I don’t mind the change.

Very good Jeehyung!