Completed Puzzles badge?

I must have missed the launch of the Completed puzzles badge, so I do not know which criteria that goes into the assessment. (tried to search the forum as well)

What on earth does it take to advance from say: Puzzle solver Lv4 to Lv5?

If it is the total number of completed puzzles, I will have to solve an abundance of trivial and boring puzzles at lower levels in order to advance another level.
Surely this is not the case?
(I have avoided easy puzzles because they are boring, and solving more of these surely does not say anything about my ability to solve puzzles :smiley: )

Uhm, to clarify: the number of puzzles solved should be based on the highest difficulty level solved. I.e. if one solves a puzzle with a difficulty rating in level 4, like Oryza Sativa 8 level 4, it must be clear that levels 0-3 of Oryza Sativa 8 also can be considered completed by the same person, even if that player did not actually start at level 0 and went through all the increasingly harder constraints added as the difficulty level increases.
Furthermore the ‘Player puzzles’ should get rated and assigned a level, and often at a much higher level than level 4 in the ‘Challenges’ section… To solve a puzzle made by Ding or tommyd should be more important for a puzzle badge level rating for me than to solve Oryza Sativa 8 level 0-2 since I have solved Oryza Sativa 8 level 3 and 4.

Now - if one is into being rated as one of the richest players on the player rating, feel free to solve those boring lower levels, but it really does not say anything about the ability to solve difficult puzzles.

Hi boganis,

you need 400 or more puzzles solved to get Lv 5 badge.

We understand the the current puzzle badge isn’t the best metric to distinguish really good problem puzzle solver – perhaps we should add another type of badge for solving difficult puzzles that weren’t solved by many…

I have added this to our task list for discussion. Thanks for your suggestion!

Thank you Jee, the plans for a new badge is capital!

I have not received my badge for completing 1600, and I am well past that…:frowning:

Separate tracking

Please reference the new conversation here: Puzzle master (1600) badge not recieved