Consolidate badges of different ranks on profile

Instead of listing the badge of each rank of a particular badge type, I’d suggest just showing the most prestigious, and maybe showing the others on a hover or clicking expand or an arrow or something. For many established users, it’s quite a busy place on the profile! if this ever gets expanded, groupings might be good, or just some way to make you feel a little more pride in your badges from how they’re displayed. :slight_smile:

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Off topic, yet related…

I like the idea of the EteRNA certificate. Not sure if we are considering revising this area of the site, but it might be nice to have a certificate which looks a bit more official: as in something to print and frame with a diploma like border or watermark background. 

It might be nice to see the most prestigious badges on the certificate as well. It would certainly be nice to have it (gif) signed by the founders.

This might be particularly nice for the teachers who drive their students to the site and want to give them an end of year recognition for participating in EteRNA.

If anyone is interested in this, I could try to draw up some prototype designs for consideration. I would also be happy to collaborate with those that are more artistically gifted.