Consolidation of Glossary/Dictionary?

I was trying to understand Eli’s What’s so special about neck and found myself getting snarled by definitions.
I wrote, _ "One thing that confuses me: contrasting “neck” with “string” _ and, unfortunately, the reply was to consult the Glossary/Dictionary from which I’d just come!

Neck (neck area): “The neck area is where the beginning and the end of the RNA sequence ends in a string.”

Sorry, doesn’t help me a bit. :slight_smile:
There’s something I’m missing … probably a single simple factoid; the contradistinction neck / string refuses to come clear for me.

FWIW, entries with “string” in them. NB: 2 entries for “String”; no mention of"stalk".


Arm – almost the same as stack, stem and string, but meaning the whole arm in a design, eg. two strings and the bulge between them.

End loops - Mat coined the term Ends for a loop at the ending of a string.

Leg - Eterna slang for string, stem. Can mean whole leg consisting of more stems.

Neck (neckarea) The neck area is where the beginning and the end of the RNA sequence ends in a string. Thanks to Ding for coining Neck.
My definition is: The neck area, is a string, that behave quite different to the other strings. The neck area allows more repetitative patterns than in the rest of the strings. Also the neck is allowed to have very high total negative energy or very low total negative energy, compared with the energy distribution in the rest of the designs. I found out that there tend to be a relative even energy distribution, in the highscoring designs. The neckarea is the only area in the design that is allowed to break it

Stack – same as stem and string - basepairs lined up beside each other

Stem – same as leg, stack and string. The scientists calls them stem most of the time

Strand – nucleotides in a row – like strawberries on a straw. It takes two strands to make a string.

String - A string is two lines of nucleotides or a line of base pairs on a row. String - from one junction to another. A string stops as soon as a bulge or loop begins.

String - same as leg, stack and string. The scientists calls them stem most of the time.

Hi Bentrem!

All the different terms for the same thing is due to us not being scientists and having a common vocabulary. So we have made up terms when we needed them and used different ones.

I tried cover most, so more people could find help, no matter which term for a stem they used.

Righto Eli - Yes indeed, wrangling nomenclature is like “herding cats”.

Needless to say terms that aren’t deeply rooted in scientific theory and usage are best defined by practice. Is why I bothered writing about “neck”; since we have stem and stalk and stack, it seemed wrong to me to include yet another term to describe the same area, especially since this becomes ambiguous in usage.
A naive user would look at the closure of a loop to find the neck. That this term also applies to what might be a long paired string leading from that area away towards another loop adds little or nothing, IMNSHO.

In the absence of an official EteRNA dictionary, I suggest using (the latest edition of) THE ENCYCLOPEDIA OF MOLECULAR BIOLOGY - Blackwell Science - Editor in Chief Sir John Kendrew. - ISBN 0-632-02182-9 (1-800-215-1000). (Submitted by mgbunem)

“In the absence of an official EteRNA dictionary …” what has been produced and linked to is not “official”?
I would have been gratified had you actualized by posting even a single exemplar. Absent that …

p.s. when Sir TimBL and I were working on things “hyper” in the 80s we knew what we were aiming at. I notice here that you didn’t link to the work you refer us to. I mean … not only did not only provide an example, you didn’t even bother to produce a link. WWW … it’s about linking documents. (You didn’t know? or you couldn’t be bothered. Technology is social. And that’s not a question.)
I joined this project because I thought Adrien was exploring deployment of technology to facilitate group production. It has become painfully clear that participants either do not care, or are simply devoid of knowledge. Or both. /me prepares for traditional stoning

p.s. this took 30 seconds. EMG; Blackwell.
It’s £99.50. If you know of a free version perhaps you could move your slow thighs and actually share it.

Who the **** are you? If you cannot appreciate an honest suggestion, then shut up.

This project is (arguably) about producing documentation. Crowd-sourcing.

MGB, it’s simple: link to an alternative.

p.s. this took 30 seconds. EMG; Blackwell.
It’s £99.50.

If you know of a free version perhaps the project would benefit by having a link to it.