Drawing which characters for EteRNAcon, as like basic/intermediate designer. Photoshop and Paint tool SAI. With Tablet (not wacom).

Anyway, it was an idea but kinda question, kind of question ,which was an authorization from Jennifer Pearl and your team…  I might publish a little and simple porflits. Like fast drawings that I could do. 
When I have more time, I could try a big and nice (a little fast) porflit only one…

I’ll post soonly. 

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I love your art work!  i would love to see some slides of your Eterna art at etrnacon! very impressive work!

Hi xness I was wanting to present your art work at eyerna con some of the pics you have drawn i can find and they are not working at your profile! is there any way you can post some of those pictures here? thanks!   ASAP eternacon stats saterdaY!

Hi xness I was wanting to present your art work at eyerna con some of the pics you have drawn i can find and they are not working at your profile! is there any way you can post some of those pictures here? thanks!   ASAP eternacon stats saterdaY!

Yess!! OMg Good luck! I fixed those broken Links. 

And another my photo is [https://fbcdn-photos-c-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-xtf1/v/t1.0-0/p206x206/13620387_1332531000107865_37…](https://fbcdn-photos-c-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-xtf1/v/t1.0-0/p206x206/13620387_1332531000107865_3743976066326103339_n.jpg?oh=4e75e67eba68e67be08f680e934f4afc&oe=582881B6& gda =1479527847_09f7f38cb6c5b44fbda03ebbe78bed21 “Link: https://fbcdn-photos-c-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-xtf1/v/t1.0-0/p206x206/13620387_1332531000107865_3743976066326103339_n.jpg?oh=4e75e67eba68e67be08f680e934f4afc&oe=582881B6&__gda__=1479527847_09f7f38cb6c5b44fbda03ebbe78bed21”) 
It’s just being a cute!!