Eterna3D Ribosome and beyond

First a massive thanks to Pragya! You rock! I think the new 3D interface is beautiful. Eterna flat RNA society joins the spherical age.

Unfortunately this thought first popped up after the townhall. I think I immediately got distracted by the fine M&M/smarties chocolate bases. Anyway here it comes.

I think there is one thing concrete that would benefit player understanding of how the bases fills in space.

The smarties are all the same size. But I would like to have the C and U be half the size of the G and A, because that is more realistic.

Chimera also have this for its colorful stick version

Image from Omei’s Introduction to Chimera for EteRNA Players (page 11)

The bases are not of equal length. A and G are long bases and C and U are short.

A while back I wrote a story about it.