How to create a ABCCInc puzzle from scratch

First create a ACInc puzzle around 40 nts in length. The C string will stomp on the A,R strings 
in the middle. of the A,R strings (seems to be easiest). Avoid kinks and new stems from forming
( again easiest). You can do so by putting the R and A down first with a gap of nts and fitting
the C into the gap to overlay the ends of both the A and R strings. Flip back and forth between
states and Weaken the C string or strip off the end of the A string to balance the puzzle. You
now have part one complete. Ignore the error message due to your long nts of (A).
Move the completed puzzle around so that the R string is around the middle of the puzzle. 
Identify the start and end nt positions of the R string. Copy the completed puzzle into a text file.
Now for the BCInc side. Copy the ACInc string into the BCInc puzzle and strip off the AC side to
end with just the R string. On the opposite side of the A string insert a B string with a gap of nts
between the R and B string. Place C in the gap you created with C overlapping both the R and B string.
Do not mess with the nts that are part of the R string (highlight the ends to make sure you avoid) 
Flip between states and weaken C or remove nts from the end of the B string to balance and solve the
Copy the solution into the text file and add back the A string. Copy this string into the ABCCInc puzzle.
Fiddle to balance by flipping through states to see what is strongest and weaken. You should be looking
for State(1)=A,C-State(2)=B,C-State(3)=C,C-State(4)=A,R,B. It doesn’t work out like that so exactly
but that strategy keeps you on the right path to a solution.           
The same strategy can be used with the C on either the A or B side (C,B,R instead of B,C,R) but are more difficult since kinks and stems need to form it seems for correct folding but is seems (???) may result in better wuami charts. 
The wuami charts are acceptable but not as good as the Brourd/Nando ones floating around.
Once you create one, you get the hang of it can start creating variations.
Good luck ,have fun, repy if this strategy actually worked for you. 
Could this be automated? More technically oriented programmers might be able to answer that one.  

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How to create a ABCCDEC puzzle from scratch.

Make a AC and a BC DEC puzzle first. Make as compact as possible,
less that 40 nts at least. Ignore the long stretches of "A"s. When you have both states working,
move to each side leaving around 4-5 nts at the end and save. In the DEC puzzles you want the R string to fold up into a new stem ( unlike the INC puzzles which you want to avoid).
So now you have 4 puzzles.   
Now combine into the ABCCDec puzzle leaving 4-10 nt between the AC and BC small puzzles.
You will be using the gaps to balance and kick one of the R strings into a stem. You want the states to look like: state(1):C,R,A state(2)C,R,B state(3) and state (4) usually are the same, either C,R,C or A,B.
Variations at this stage means more work balancing towards a solution.
Now fiddle with energies and the empty nts for a solution. 

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