Is it possible to moderate threads in GetSatisfaction?

People trying to help in our experimental “what did you learn” thread are replying to things in such a way that their responses look like new subtopics. It’s very likely that GetSatisfaction is just not the current forum for this kind of discussion, but is anyone able to move things-that-are-responses-to-answers so that they are in the right spot?…

Hi Chris,

Currently, moderators can only “delete” posts, but cannot rearrange them - perhaps we should consider another type of forum for this kind of discussion? But again, I think any type of forum will have the same problem to a certain degree (people responding with a new topic rather than replying).

Hi Chris,

The forum is being actively moderated by Sneh and mpb21 as well as Jee and Adrien, Alex, the “eternagame” admin account, and a number of individual posters (on their own posts). Click “See the change log (# new changes today)” link on the Community Overview page to go to the change log at:…

You’ll see where many “merges” have been made where topics that were posted separately were moved when the Devs determined that they really belonged under an already existing Heading.

:slight_smile: -d9