Lab Data Mining Tool

For the last month or so, I’ve been working on a tool for comparing the SHAPE data results from all the designs of any lab. (One lab at a time, not across labs.) So far, I’ve only shared it with a few players, but I think it is ready to release to a larger audience. For those who are familiar with Mat and John’s Computationally Selected Elements tool, this tool has a similar flavor, but is considerably more flexible. For one, it draws data directly from the EteRNA servers, so new lab data automatically becomes available as soon as it is published in the game UI.

The tool currently consists of just one HTML file, plus a second file containing the Javascript. But it isn’t being served up directly from the Web yet, so to use it, you’ll have to download the zip file for the latest version (currently 8-20-13) from my Google docs Eterna folder (…), unzip it to your local drive, and point your browser to the HTML file.

I’ve made heavy use of hover text to describe both the input fields and the output results, so you may not need any documentation at all. But Eli and I are working on a manual. It’s a work in progress, but you can see it in its latest state at… . You can add comments in that document if something is missing or unclear. I expect that the focal point for discussion of the tool will be the talk page for the tool on the Eterna wiki (…).