More details in zoomed thumbnail

At present the zoomed-in thumbnail of a puzzle’s shape remains exactly the same (with bigger pixels). Especially for more complex structures we need more details.

The more I think about this, the more I agree, however, I would add that in addition to more detail, I think what we need are different colors besides red to indicate different types or different degrees, or closeness to - instability. In other words, instead of just red when it is gone over the edge, why not have say… dark yellow for instance, to indicate that a section is still ok, but just barely; that it is a “danger area,” and may go red at a slight provocation? (similar to a yellow traffic light, as a warning, before it turns red)

In addition to these ideas, I’d like to suggest that, by clicking on a zone in the minimap, you could be taken to this point in the main puzzle. Would help a lot in navigating complex-shaped puzzles.

Thanks for implementing my suggestion.

Now please add a hot-key to toggle between small and big thumbnail so that you can play while the thumbnail is zoomed.

Also this would be a workaround for this problem:…

That would be amazing because then we could see the general stability across the entire structure. Maybe one side is very stable but the other side is very close to instability. I like it.

That’s now case #231 in our task list.

Thanks for reporting madde

EteRNA team

…can we tack on to this the idea also the idea to make it so that the descriptive tool-tip pop-up does not obscure the shape?

My thread sort of relates to this:

Another good thing could be use the map as a shortcut to move to different possitions in the molecule, Small molecules are OK but in the long ones would be really cool if the molecule would move to the place you point with the cursor in the map window… I already try several times… hehe

Why not just have a second coloring option like in “view/see” mode that directly shows which bases are and aren’t bonded correctly?

yes! also with dimension’s idea of coloring to show how far off it is, if that’s an actual metric (which I guess it is!)