New Forum FAQ

While there are a lot of benefits to the new forums, after a decade using GetSatisfaction, I anticipate that the move to Discourse will raise some questions! We’ll keep this topic updated with information you might find useful as you’re getting used to the new setup!

How do I log in to the new forums? Can I use my Eterna account?

We haven’t been able to set up logins to synchronize with Eterna yet, though we are planning on it!

If you have previously logged in to the GetSatisfaction forums, you already have an account here! However, your password was not transferred. When you go to log in, simply hit “I forgot my password”, enter your username or email that you had set on GetSat, and you’ll receive an email at the address that was registered with GetSat to set a new password.

Haven’t made an account yet? Simply make a new account. You’ll want to make sure to use the same email you use on Eterna though, so that once we do have single sign on set up, your forum account will be correctly connected to your Eterna account.

I don’t like the way that (something) looks or works. Can you change it?

Most likely, yes! We actually have much more flexibility with Discourse compared with GetSat. We’re also still in the progress of adjusting things ourselves, and there will likely be some changes in the near future, including with adjustments to the categories, themes, and plugins. Do let us know if you have any suggestions!

What survived the transfer from GetSatisfaction?

All topics, replies, and user accounts have been transferred. Also, all likes from May of 2014 have been transferred - sadly, GetSatisfaction’s export did not provide this data from earlier.

Why are there duplicate replies? How are the replies in Discourse getting shown?

There aren’t actually any duplicates - Discourse works a bit differently from GetSatisfaction!

In GetSat, you have the main topic, then replies to that topic, then a list of comments on the reply - you can’t denote that a message is in response to a specific comment (or that it’s a response to the reply, rather than a recent comment, for that matter). There’s also no way to see all posts, be they replies or comments, in chronological order.

Discourse, on the other hand, displays all posts contained in a topic in chronological order. For convenience though, if a reply has been made to a specific post, there will be a “replies” button that will allow you to see the replies to that post right below the post! There’s also an arrow in the top right-hand corner that will let you skip down to the post where it “actually is” in the thread. Similarly, when a post is a reply to a different post, in the top right hand corner there will be a button you can click to show the post it was a reply to, and it will also have an arrow to skip up to that original post.

Will I get email notifications like in GetSatisfaction?

While preferences were not able to be transferred from GetSat, Discourse also has an email notification feature! You’ll automatically be registered to receive emails with posts that mention you or reply to your posts, and a daily digest of popular posts. You can adjust your email settings at any time by going to the email section of your preferences:

Where is the Labs and Analysis category?

You need to be logged in to be able to view this category. Due to inclusion of experimental data, we are requiring anyone who views them to agree to our Terms of Service.

Will we still be able to get email notification of new posts? And if so, will that preference be copied over from GetSat?

Yes! I don’t think any preferences were transferred, but you can check your email preferences:

Also, I’ve just adjusted the default “email digest” setting (which sends you popular posts, in addition to wherever you’re mentioned) to be daily instead of hourly - I misread the setting originally. There is also a specific setting (“Mailing list mode”) to get notified of all posts.

Can we please also get a “dislike” button? It is not physiologically possible just to like everything!

This isn’t something that Discourse provides - and I’m not particularly inclined to add it. :slight_smile: Many community platforms intentionally do not have this - often times in practice, it creates a negative atmosphere without really helping anything (liking shows your appreciation - disliking is a display of distaste). If you have a concern with a post, you can respond with constructive criticism, and simply not like the post! And if you have a more significant concern with the post itself, you can always flag it for review.



we want dislike

Is it possible to embed the chat in the forums so I don’t have to keep both tabs open?

1 Like

Interesting thought! It may be possible with theme customizations. Where/how would you expect it to be visible?

Probably the same way we currently have it on the main site. If we were to do this, I could make a forum mode for the chat that alters the position. Currently, there are two positioning modes.

  • In-game mode: The chat is positioned from the edges, so it doesn’t interfere with the puzzle when the screen size changes
  • Normal mode: The chat is positioned relative to the center, so it is always in the same position with respect to the rest of the interface.

Forum mode would probably be the same as in-game mode, just stored separately.

I think it actually makes sense to have it float (and be movable), positioned relative to the edges of the screen, in all these scenarios.

Could you create a post in Feedback > Feature Suggestions to make sure this doesn’t get lost? Thanks. :slight_smile: