New search tabs

Looks good. @ items you might address. When I first go into play/puzzles the green check marks are not showing up for puzzles
solved since upgrade. When you use the search, they then show up.

Next: after solving a puzzle and returning to puzzle list 2/3 green boxes show up on top??? and user is placed with a new selection of puzzles?

And of course a “might think about”, no reply is necessary, a exclude user
box so i don’t have to look at my puzzles in list.

The select users - selects only one at a time - the “s” on user implies multiple - yep nitpicking at it’s best.

Good work - Thanks.

Thanks for the feedback! Some quick notes:

When I first go into play/puzzles the green check marks are not showing up for puzzles
solved since upgrade. When you use the search, they then show up.

I can reproduce this - noted!

after solving a puzzle and returning to puzzle list 2/3 green boxes show up on top??? and user is placed with a new selection of puzzles?

The intention here is that if you scroll down a bit, then navigate to a new page, and go back, it should load up the section of puzzles around what you had most recently loaded (vs just the top of the page, or loading all puzzles up to the point you reached, which could take a long time). Unfortunately I forgot to account for the fact that we load puzzles further down the page a ways before you actually get there. I’ll have to think through how to fix this.

And of course a “might think about”, no reply is necessary, a exclude user
box so i don’t have to look at my puzzles in list.

Hm, interesting use case - would need to think a bit about the cleanest way of presenting this.

The select users - selects only one at a time - the “s” on user implies multiple - yep nitpicking at it’s best.

It actually says “search users” - technically you are searching through the list of users, so it’s correct as written. :wink: There may be a clearer way to label that

Good news - both the cleared indicators and puzzles loaded when navigating back to the page should now be fixed. Thanks for lettings us know!