Not able to post in E Coli lab

Was able to around 5 days ago.
Win10 Chrome or Firefox

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Hi JR,

We are aware of the issue and are in the process of working on a fix. We recently launched the availability of LinearPartition in puzzles using LinearFold in order to create the dot plot. The calculations are still taking much longer than anticipated, and we realized that it’s being done on puzzle submission (as part of populating the data in the design browser). We’re going to be addressing this by preventing this automatic calculation on large puzzles.

Be aware that you can still submit to large puzzles, the page will just be hung for a substantial amount of time (I think we determined on the order of a couple minutes) while this calculation runs.

Hotfix was just deployed disabling the dot plot/melt plot on large puzzles, but leaving it available via scripts. We’re likely going to discuss a longer-term solution to try and make stats available without causing the submission issues

Posts really fast now. Thanks. If you get the fix in and want me to delete and repost to collect the missing  data. let me know and I will do so.