Old user login = dividing by zero ( slooooooooooooooooooooow )

Wow thanks Omei, that sounds like a good find. High five! I tried to log into eternagame.org which took 32 seconds, and also load the home page 33 seconds. I cleared my browser cache & cookies, and same situation.

I noticed specifically that login and home page load is faster with users who contain little data, whether new or old, e.g. few or zero puzzles solves, lab submits, comments, messages, etc.

I also tried deleting all saved eterna settings in macromedia’s flash settings panel, but login and home page were still same slowness

Therefore I am sorry to report that from my current observations, unless there’s some other cache I need to flush, this has not yet affected my 30 sec login and home page loads.

Thank you very much for finding and solving this issue though, because I am sure others will benefit from the fix. It sure sounded like a possible culprit to what I was seeing, so I was happy to try it out.

Just wanted to give a quick update! It seems that our recent database upgrade may have resolved a majority of the performance issues we’ve been seeing as of late (long story short, our database server was old and had less resources, and appeard to have bottlenecked incoming request - which all came to a head in an influx of website timeouts, especially with the increase of submissions in openCRISPR).

Crossing your fingers that this will get us back on track - please post if you continue to have performance issues. I’ll try to monitor performance over the next couple weeks, and resolve this issue if things seem to be going smoothly.

@machinelves: I am curious to know if the server upgrades that have just been completed has made any difference in your Eterna experience.  Keeping my fingers crossed that it has :slight_smile: