OpenKnot Round 1 designs not loading

When attempting to load the design browser in round 1, this error message is returned:

Error: Invalid parenthesis notation
    at t.value (
    at Function.value (
    at Function.value (
    at (<anonymous>)

This was due to inconsistent formatting in higher-order pseudoknots coming from estimate structures which was not previously validated. I’ve edited the solutions in question so things should now be loading again. Let me know if this shows up elsewhere!

I was seeing the same problem: it’s fixed in OpenKnot Round 1 but the same issue with OpenKnotRound 2 still persists.

Nice that you can use the Ribonanza in Round 1.

Round 2 is a separate issue - it’s actually failing to load entirely due to the size of the data as we’re working on getting the experimental results loaded. I’m going to be working on addressing that shortly.

Tx: there were a couple of submissions in Round 2 I was looking to use in my presentation.

Fix is now available that should let round 2 load. It will still be slow (and use a large amount of RAM) though

Still not working for me I’m afraid.

Looks like round 2 also had a couple of solutions with the same issue - I’d tested it on dev where that data was not there. I’ve verified I can load the design browser on round 2 now!

Working now: tx.