Problem in browsing lab submissions

When browsing the lab pages, I have found that if a submission has a very long description section there’s no way to get to the buttons that let you see the structure – they are pushed off the bottom of the screen and there’s no scrollbar to get down to them. Here’s a screenshot:

one of my longer descriptions used to fit, but something changed, and now it is too tall like the one in the pic above - in fact, I think, yes, that is the one of mine that was ok, but now has changed format somehow and is too long.

don’t apologize - I love the long descriptions! We just need a scroll bar or something so we can get to the view/vote/sort/cancel options.

I think it may be the addition of the “get URL” links that pushed that description over the top, btw.

Ding, dimension9,

I’m working on it right. Will update fix today.

Thanks for reporting!

Thanks, Jee. I have been so impressed by how responsive you guys are to problems!

The problem is now fixed. Let us know if you still have trouble!

EteRNA team

Seems to work great. Thanks :slight_smile: