As I understand it, the puzzle progression was meant to streamline the process of getting players ready to participate in the labs. And for several players this has been the case. But in its current state the puzzle progression is no longer serving its intended purpose, and has turned into easy extra credit assignment points for most people that are directed to eterna.
I’m now seeing people complete the progression in a day, which may be possible for a new player, but not probable.
It is now as easy as copy and paste. This is not a new development. I have been aware of this for some time, and there was a comment from another player about identical solutions being used for the tough puzzles.
I started viewing comments at the beginning of the progression, skipped the middle, and viewed comments for the last of the supercomputer puzzles. Most have at least one solution given, either in plain text or a screenshot. These are the puzzles with solutions given. This goes beyond sharing a solution with a friend, it is pure spoilage. To make my point, see how the conversation in the comments ends in most cases after the solution is given.
[Gene Synthesizer] Level 7 of 14
[Gene Synthesizer] Level 8 of 14 death112
[Gene Synthesizer] Level 9 of 14
[Gene Synthesizer] Level 12 of 14
[Gene Synthesizer] Level 13 of 14
[Gene Synthesizer] Level 14 of 14
[Thermocycler] Level 1 of 11
[Thermocycler] Level 3 of 11
… … …
… … …
[Supercomputer] Level 7 of 18
[Supercomputer] Level 8 of 18 honeyily
[Supercomputer] Level 9 of 18 honeylily dragoncendre
[Supercomputer] Level 10 of 18
[Supercomputer] Level 11 of 18 sidneylew
[Supercomputer] Level 12 of 18 hidro0110 sidneylew
[Supercomputer] Level 14 of 18 hidro0110 honeyily
[Supercomputer] Level 15 of 18 dragoncendre
[Supercomputer] Level 16 of 18
[Supercomputer] Level 17 of 18 kwharton
I don’t have a problem with someone getting a walk-through in chat, if they have been stuck. Sometimes you do have to “see” how something works to understand it.
Some may say that people who “cheat” and use the spoilers are not the ones we are looking for, I would disagree with that hypothetical person and say we don’t know who will be a good player until they invest some sweat into actually solving these puzzles. We are human and subject to temptation, we just need to remove the temptation to cheat.
I’m not here to just complain about this, I am willing to help if I can. I have some extra time on my hands until August. I think we need an explicit rule about giving exact answers in the puzzle comments section. But for now I think we need to delete these “spoilers”.