Recent EteRNA Initiatives Looking For Help

Here are some ways to help out EteRNA and important initiatives being supported by the development team and key members of the community.

  • The home page is getting a makeover! Please make suggestions for the pre-login landing page and the post-login feed page.
  • It’s time to start planning for EteRNACon 2016 planning, and one important aspect of that is research into possible funding. Input on options that could be looked into would be appreciated.
  • Check out the neighborhood watch initiative to take a time slot to monitor chat and help out new users.
  • To further research being done in EteRNA and sort out all the data, start using #hashtags for your designs.
    Just to bring a little more attention, I thought I’d make a proper forum announcement about these. Please keep an eye out soon for the testing for the brand-new EteRNA Medicine puzzle progression!

Great idea!

Nice summary, LFP6 – many thanks! Looking forward to great ideas from players…