Report posts to be edited

This topic is for users to report all GetSatisfaction posts that need some form of editing.

Because of how GetSatisfaction, the forum/feedback service EteRNA uses, is currently built, at this time there is a limit on what editing can be done. Categories, tags, issue statuses (as an example if an idea is implemented, planned, or not planned), and topic titles can currently be changed, however topics, replies, and comments cannot be edited. Feel free to report any issues you find, and this topic will be updated if and when GetSatisfaction allows all content to be edited.

NOTE: At this time, I am currently in the process of categorizing all of the forum posts, as well as updating topic statuses. Any topics which have no category are already in my ‘to-do list’, and I’m working to get this all filled out.

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UPDATE: GetSatisfaction now allows editing of all posts. As a champion, I cannot edit the primary post, only comments/replies, but if this is needed I will notify one of the team who is able to do so.

Another update just released, I can now edit the primary post as well!