Request for testing: 2023 API rewrite

Hey all ! I have a very large change that would love some help in testing out.

Over the past few months, I’ve completely rewritten the backend API of our website (ie, the bit that stores data whenever you take an action on the site that changes anything and retrieves stored data whenever you want to see things submitted by anyone else). This affects almost everything you touch on the website (aside from the actual mechanics of puzzle solving - though initial puzzle load, getting designs, submitting solves, etc is within scope). I’ve done pretty extensive testing, but it if anyone has some time, it would be great to have some additional help in pressing all the buttons possible and making sure nothing breaks.

It’s live on - it’s running on a database cloned just before the openknot round 3 closure. The only thing that you wouldn’t be able to test is getting credit from NOVA labs since that is only hooked up with the main website. I also want to hear about any instances you notice things are slower than normal, though if you run into that issue, I ask that you try any slow action twice - if it’s just slow the first time, its most likely not a real issue (instead having to do with database caching that wouldn’t typically be an issue on the live site).

If all goes well, I’d like to bring this live early next week - as early as Monday.

Thanks in advance!

No “reply” tag for your post - so where do you want the feedback?

script “who solved” doesn’t work.

counter showing how many people solved isn’t working

chat doesn’t work from puzzle

taking a picture doesn’t seem to work

create a puzzle in puzzle maker, save, then reenter puzzle maker does not save the driver, always defaults to vienna

when i create a EFTK puzzle in puzzle maker, exit, then reenter, it defaults to NUPACK

when i solve a puzzle, rank incorrect: says Jieux #2, JR #3 and Jnicol #53

EternaFoldThreshknot isn’t listed as in the engine list for select.

As always, thanks for all the work you do

Thanks for the feedback!

No “reply” tag for your post - so where do you want the feedback?

Oops sorry - didn’t realize that topic got posted in a weird way - here’s good :smiley:

script “who solved” doesn’t work.

I believe this is because it is trying to talk to rather than As far as I know, there’s no regression here.

counter showing how many people solved isn’t working

Issue with the counter updating from 0 is now fixed

chat doesn’t work from puzzle

taking a picture doesn’t seem to work

Both of these are presumably the same issue (since screenshots attempt to post to chat), and now resolved. Note though that you may need to clear your cache for it to start working again.

create a puzzle in puzzle maker, save, then reenter puzzle maker does not save the driver, always defaults to vienna

when i create a EFTK puzzle in puzzle maker, exit, then reenter, it defaults to NUPACK

This is actually the same issue (NUPACK winds up being the default for puzzles with pseudoknots just due to the ordering). It appears that this also occurs on the main site, so seems like an unrelated bug.

when i solve a puzzle, rank incorrect: says Jieux #2, JR #3 and Jnicol #53

Good catch, fixed (also made me realize that higher ranks were actually always from the very top of the leaderboard instead of right below you, so fixed that too)

EternaFoldThreshknot isn’t listed as in the engine list for select

This wouldn’t be related to these changes, and I don’t see it myself. If you’re in puzzlemaker, maybe you added a molecule or such, which Eternafold doesn’t support? Or maybe if it was a lab, its a lab that doesn’t have pseudoknots available?

Actually, fixed the original topic and now merged in here :slight_smile:

Go into play/puzzles - on right hand side - the select stuff - on the bottom where it says “engines” EFTK isn’t listed on the drop down, need to add it to the list. not related to your changes but should be added to list anyway. - just ran across it now.

Not sure if I’m reporting in the correct place but…
when you solve a puz, and then click on the name of the solved puz to make a comment (in the bubbles screen), it makes you sign in as a new user
I have tried this several times. seems too be last 24 hours issue.

Ah yeah! Never added it when it was added to puzzlemaker - updating that now

That’s actually an issue specifically on the main site (though caused by a redirect I disabled for the updates to dev). Fixed now!

Thank you.

When I try to login it redirects me to create a new account.

I’m guessing you’re using Facebook login? Forgot I hadn’t gotten around to testing that yet

Nope just the normal login page

Have you previously logged in with Facebook before? If you have, it may be “confused” by that somehow (I’ve seen it before). Try visiting the page then trying again

Did that to me this morning - now in the afternoon it works fine.

I noticed while browsing solutions to an EFTK player puzzle that the lab browser doesn’t show the pk in target mode. The pseudoknot shows up in natural mode though.

I believe that was an existing issue - could you create a separate bug report topic for that? Thanks

sure, np, this reply needed 14 chars

I am not using facebook login. When I click log in on the main page it keeps directing me to create an account.

Have you tried going to the page /eterna_logout.php as I referred to earlier? You may also want to try clearing your cookies. Otherwise, it could help if you upload a screenshot here to make sure I know what you’re seeing correctly. Thanks.