I created a walk-through for my puzzle “Reverse Spore”. It is not an especially difficult puzzle, but not an especially easy one either, and it seemed to be a good place to present a couple of tactics and strategies I am learning to exploit more successfully. Feel free to comment on errors or whatever else. Thank you starryjess and Eli Fisker for looking it over and making suggestions
Here’s the link to it: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1X…
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This is awesome. Do we have a place where these puzzle walkthroughs are accessible to players?
I agree. Hogla’s guide is awesome.
Puzzle walkthroughs and guides can be found in the menu Community under player guides.
There is a [list](http://eternagame.wikia.com/wiki/List_of_Player_Guides
) in the Wiki.
Also I have a collection on my profile page, that I have tried sort after type and degree of hardness.
I can make a list on the wiki.
Thanks Quasi for that and for digging up one of my puzzlewalkthroughs that I had forgotten all about.
great guide Thanks a bunch!