[Strategy Market] [Ensemble Strategy or Beta test experiment] Title: G's in place of the A's in a bulge closest to stacks.

[Strategy Market] [Ensemble Strategy or Beta test experiment] Title: G’s in place of the A’s in a bulge closest to stacks.

This may be hard to define, but when any stack has a bulge that continues as a stack (as long as it only has two stacks coming in and out; and both stacks are separated by at least one nucleotide), give two points for every situation where the designer has mutated the two A’s (on the LONGER side of the bulge) closest to the stacks into G’s. Give one point for any other arrangement of two A’s being mutated to G’s closest to the stacks but not both on the LONGEST side (i.e. - one on long and one on short; both on short side if two or more). Give 1/2 point for any bulge with one A having been mutated to G (again - must be closest to a stack!)


Dear clollin,

Your strategy has been added to our implementation queue with task id 39. You can check the schedule of the implementation here.

ETA of the implementation is 7/12/2011

Thanks for sharing your idea!

EteRNA team