[Strategy market] Fisker's test

I would like to ad a strategy that says, no more than two energy gaps on over 1,3 in strings.

Numbers of GC pairs between 45 and 61 %
No GU pairs

Dear Example,

Your strategy has been added to our implementation queue with task id 4. You can check the schedule of the implementation here.

ETA of the implementation is tomorrow, 6/3/2011.

Thanks for sharing your idea!

EteRNA team

Dear Eli, we are experiencing bit of technical problems on running optimization on your strategy…please allow us another day or two for the full implementation of the strategy.

We are sorry about the delay!

EteRNA team

Hi Jee!

No problem. I’m lucky I’m not the one doing the programming. :slight_smile:

Best wishes.


So… what are the results?

Hi Slydog!

You can check how far the programming of a strategy is here

This strategy is number 4 on the list.