[Strategy Market] GG/GC/CG/CC pairing

For every GG: (a) if it pairs with a CC add 3.3, or (b) if It pairs with CU add 2.1, or © if it pairs with UC add 1.5, or (d) if it pairs with UU add 0.5, or (e) if it is unpaired add 0. For every CC it is not paired with[*] subtract 3.3. For every CU it is not paired with[*] subtract 2.1. For every UC it is not paired with[*] subtract 1.5. For every UU it is not paired with[*] subtract 0.5.

For every GC: (a) if it pairs with GC add 3.4, (b) if it pairs with GU add 2.5, if it is unpaired add 0. For every GC it is not paired with[*] subtract 3.4. For every GU it is not paired with[*] subtract 2.5.

For every CG: (a) if it pairs with CG add 2.4, or (b) if it pairs with UG add 1.4, or © if it is unpaired add 0. For every GC it is not paired with[*] subtract 2.4. For every UG it is not paired with[*] subtract 1.4.

For every CC: (a) if it pairs with GG add 3.3, or (a) if it is unpaired add 0. For every GG it is not paired with[*] subtract 3.3.

[*]: when considering matches that something is not paired with, do not look closer than 5 units (i.e. a tri-loop) on either side.

Dear jandersonlee,

Your strategy has been added to our implementation queue with task id 132. You can check the schedule of the implementation here.

Thanks for sharing your idea!

EteRNA team