Strategy Intro
Strategy courtesy to jandersonlee because of pattern origin.
Strategy: MicroRNA turn on lab
Give +3 for each base in stretch 2 that is strongly complementary to stretch 1 (particular stretch in microRNA)
Give +2 for each base in stretch 2 that is complementary with stretch 3. (Except for first base after the MS2 sequence - it doesn’t have to be complementary or bound)
Give +1 for each base in stretch 4 that is complementary with stretch 3 (Except for last base before the MS2 sequence - it doesn’t have to be complementary or bound)
Give +3 for each base in stretch 4 that is complementary with stretch 5 (microRNA - whichever it is)
Reduce by -1⁄2 each time the complementarity between bases are not the strongest option.
Strategy details
Typical length of MS2 gate itself is 5 base pairs, although the sequence stretch is often 6 bases, but often with the base or bases between MS2 and MS2 gate, unpaired as a 1-1 loop or as a bulge.
Strategy Background
In microRNA, this MS2 stem mirror pattern turns up too, like in turn on MS2/FMN labs, although in the MS2 gate instead of an aptamer, since there are no aptamer in microRNA designs.
My mod of jandersonlee’s 1 round 94% winner: JL Zipper 46 - 13 (100%)
This microRNA design contains exactly the same pattern as the same state turn on labs. (Link:…) However it doesn’t have an aptamer and the MS2 complementary strands, turn up in the MS2 gate instead of as in the MS2 labs, the aptamer gates. But practically its the same principle.
However this pattern despite looking exactly the same, differ fundamentally because it is not just 4 identical strands pairing up with each other in two different conformations. It is 4 identical strands pairing up in two different conformations, with 4 of them involved with each other in state 1, but only 3 of them involved with each other in state 2, and the fourth getting involved with an outside partner - found in the microRNA.
This means that the sequences needed, will need to be able to adjust to whatever microRNA gets thrown at us.
So this is why I think that a weaker mirror variations in the MS2 gate may also have to be accepted in particular for the late strand of the MS2 gate. Since both the MS2 and the microRNA are fixed and unchangeable in sequence.
For when we get labs with another microRNA instead of 208a. Since there needs to be complementarity between the late strand of the MS2 gate and the microRNA. So there I expect the sequence to be allowed to slightly change and still get rewarded, as long as it keeps complementarity between MS2, MS2 gate and microRNA.
Its a complementary word change game as mentioned here:
Ranking in importance of direct complementarity
Sections 2-4 are changeable. But 2 has to be complementary to 1 - no discussion allowed.
3 has to be complementary to both 2 and 4 and with some discussion/straying allowed.
But 4 has to be complementary to 5, no discussion allowed.
Background posts