The default "Follow" functionality for message-comments seems to have changed or be inconsistent

Default behavior seems to have changed recently, or at least be inconsistent from other
objects that can be “Followed” so that comments will show in player’s message feed.

From chat discussion with Eli, we believe Lab, Script, and Blog are objects that user must set “follow” manually.
Whereas Player-created Puzzle, Groups(joining, not creating), and Lab Solutions appear to have “follow” as default.

There may have also been a change when leaving a “comment”.
Eli did a test by leaving a comment on a puzzle and it was not automatically changed to “Follow”.
He believes it did automatically change in the past.

My request would be that all user-created objects have “Follow” by default, so that
the user is sent comments on that object.

I have less concern when leaving comments, but understand that some users want that
action to automatically change to “Follow”. (Delete comment would presumably automatically change to “Unfollow”).

Stlnegril9. “My request would be that all user-created objects have “Follow” by default, so that the user is sent comments on that object.”

I very much agree. It will aid discussion among us players, as comments on labs, scripts and so on, easily end up as one way communication, if the maker of a lab or script, does not know that someone has left a comment.