Transcription Level DNA Prefolding Characteristics and Color Prefererences

The purpose of this slideshow is to redefine and redirect current methods to decipher the human genome. We are proposing a new standard color balanced base-2 system template that is consistent with the central dogma of DNA.

Key points include: DNA is a color balanced base-2 system. What a DNA codon is… is what it is in. Prefolding characteristics and color preferences exist at the transcription level. Each DNA codon’s transcripton factors and color preferences can be mapped to (x) and (y) coordinates. DNA has a diagonal architecture. Any nucleotide in a DNA codon may hold place and color value but not be switched on. Codons are not degenerate.The ‘wobble’ theory is inaccurate. What follows are supporting images and explanations of how we got here and why we say the things we do.…