Strictly Brainstorming – be kind with your venom:

Current thinking has UCAG RNA nucleotides combining to AU, UG, CG bonds.


What if DNA is in 9 groups of 7 or (0-6 in base-2) with RNA being the (0-6).

These groups fit perfectly in a Venn diagram that demonstrates the variance and covariance between the nucleotides as well as their degree of difference all while being expressed in levels (scaling) compliments of base-2.

00 UU = uracil black = U is invisible until it reflects off C A or G
01 UC= cysteine black/blue = visible blue
02 UA= adenine black/yellow = visible yellow
03 CA= cysteine-adenine blue/yellow = green
04 UG= guanine black/red = visible red
05 CG= cysteine-guanine blue/red = violet
06 AG = adenine-guanine yellow/red = orange

Follow the first letter down and you see it forms UUU.
Follow the last three letters down and you see it forms GGG,
then look at the last letter of the 0-2 grouping and the first letter of the 4-7 grouping.

It forms a rudimentary double helix.

The junction at 3 and 4: CA and UG seem to be the seed of the architecture.
Everything emerges from the center.

This is a shockingly simplistic.

It also suggests that when RNA as CAG combines and sums to (7) it falls apart. There are several reasons for this but the obvious ones are it is a triplet in a paired architecture. It also indicates that (1) blue; (2) yellow; and (4) red sum to (7) reflective light which is evenly balanced and therefore transparent which would presumably help prevent entanglement.

Through evolution, U evolved into T and suddenly provided a different direction (vertical instead of horizontal) as well as stability to the double helix (beyond the single strand RNA).
This may be why DNA is expressed (vertical = digital) but RNA resembles analog (horizontal=pairing).

This sounds interesting, but I’m not sure what you are getting at here. Could you explain a little more broadly?


What id RNA is as simple as 0-3: ) being invisible light; 1 being blue, 2 being yellow and 3 being green…and the evolution was the introduction of base2…0 being invisible light; 1 being blue; 2 being yellow and 4 being red!!!

The RNA system follows base-2 system 0-3 where 0 = invisible light; 1 = blue; 2 = yellow; and 3 = green. The DNA stystem follows the actual base-2 progression 0,1,2 and 4 where 0+ invisible light; 1 = blue; 2 = yellow; and 4 = red!!

That is the evolution.

Oh dear God, please, do not let her be the one to figure this out.

This reply was created from a merged topic originally titled

Background for Matt:
Thomas Wilhelm, Theoretical Systems Biologist, points out ‘the binary (base-2) approach in biology yields useful results in gene expression analysis (Walker et al., 1999), in transgenic binary expression systems to study embryogenesis (Noramlyet al., 2005), and ”… the simple binary- switch nature of asymmetry variation”, and in phylogenetic analysis where it offers an attractive focus for comparative studies on evolutionary biology (Palmer, 2004).’
Since 1996, attempts to decipher the genome using binary (base-2) as a tool has fallen short of its potential due to a lack of agreement on what base-2 values to apply to the DNA codon nucleotide bases. While there have been many mathematical models that encode the bases in a binary (base-2) manner: Jim’enez (1996); Stambuk (2000); Karasev and Stefanov (2001); He et al. (2004); and S’anchez et al. (2004); each study uses a different set of values.
The inherent properties in base-2 systems are well known; geometry is founded on its balance and is built up from it. The base-2 language already occupies a near center position in physics, mathematics, biology, and chemistry. In fact, matter, gravity and the simplest symmetry of life lead directly to binary (base-2) systems.
The base2 language consists of the elements ‘0’ and ‘1’, the only two numbers that remain the same when squared. This makes the base-2 language the perfect tool when describing nature which works in squared systems, such as E=MC2. Quantum electrodynamics (QED), nicknamed ‘the jewel of physics’ for its accuracy describing energy particles, uses the base2 progression: 1 atom = 2 calculations; 2 atoms = 4 calculations; 3 atoms = 8 calculations.
The base-2 language is a mathematical language already expressed in levels and able to show which place value is contributing to the overall weight or value of its element. As Gottfried Leibniz, the father of modern base-2 language stated: ‘Every present state of a simple substance is naturally a consequence of its preceding state in such a way that its present is pregnant with its future’; which would also be an apt description of a DNA or RNA codon. Leibniz himself used base-2 to arrive at the diagonals of a square and discover differential calculus. Leibniz called the diagonals of a square ‘relative 0’s’. Finding the diagonal of a square led Leibniz not only to the founding of calculus but to the problem of infitesimals and imaginary numbers.
An uncanny ability associated with base-2 systems is the ability to find any digit of Pi using the base-2 language. In 1996, Peter Borwein (brother of Jonathan Borwein), Simon Plouffe and David Bailey co-authored a paper that presents a new formula for pi. This formula permits one to compute the n-th binary or hexadecimal digit of pi, without computing the first n-1 digits, by means of a simple scheme that requires very little memory. It is already known that any diagonal in a color balanced six place base-2 system is associated with Pi in three dimensions. Any (x) or (y) coordinate are interchangeable and join ‘0’ coordinate to create nature’s architecture.
Base-2 modelling shows how any RNA or DNA nucleotide triplet can be expressed both as (x) and (y) coordinates on a deeper 2nd level; and as part of diagonally driven organizing systems architecture on an even deeper 3rd level. These combined inherent abilities of base-2 systems may be useful in plotting genome sequences.
Color balanced base-2 systems present a plausible architecture of how RNA codons can build a 10 million nucleotide base long amino acid that folds into a protein in three seconds or less. The solution is in the deeper order and connection of the RNA codon itself. We propose that the communication medium to accomplish this is the light frequency of color. A color balanced base-2 system is a promising tool for deciphering the genome. Assigning weights and colors to balanced base-2 systems will enable us to find and study the deeper order and connection of the RNA molecule.

To quote Niels Bohr: ‘Where there is pattern there is truth’.

And there is one more quote that seems to fit eteRNA perfectly:

‘Do not seek to follow in the footsteps of the men of old; seek what they sought!’
