
I decided to use Annotations by actually reading the directions. Below will be my notes
as I climb to the top of my learning curve. The video is a good starting place: How to use the new Annotation Tool - YouTube

The create box pop-up is good but is annoying. It follow me around and blocks me from highlighting the NTs I want to highlight. Can you move it in a corner somewhere?

It’s best to be near-by the annotation area so that everything is co-located and you don’t have to move your attention between different parts of the screen. We might need to allow the ability to drag it out of the way or such.

You may find it helpful to make sure you finish your selection before hitting create (as the initial box is smaller), change the order in which you select (so your initial selections position the box somewhere better), create some temporary selections that move the box further away, or use the textual selection range input.

@LFP6. I wouldn’t spend too much time answering each of my entries until I become “Annotation” proficient. Most comments I will probably find work arounds but I still want to post them for now. I would be interested in seeing from you a sample “upload” txt file that
actually works. That would save me a lot of trial and error. Thanks for your reply.

When I move the design around with the cursor the annotations switch to off mode. Rather not have that happen.

Need an explanation between Puzzle and Solution. Easier for someone to just tell me.

I downloaded my test file . Saves as a json file. Changed to txt so I can read. Should be able to manually modify to upload what I want. (Specifically changes made to our new
lab design). A script can be written that compares two sequences and outputs the range
in json format.

Can other users see my annotations. Can other users modify/delete them? They are on Symmetrical Molecule (Easy) puzzle

Yeah you’re really only meant to use the upload feature with previously downloaded annotations, not edited by hand.

Annotations are disabled on movement largely due to performance issues - the current implementation would require their positions being recalculated on every frame which would likely be too laggy (eventually we may be able to improve this).

Puzzle solutions are the ones that are saved to the puzzle when creating a puzzle in puzzlemaker (solution annotations are discarded, and only useful if you need them temporarily). Solution annotations on the other hand are the ones that are saved when you submit a solution, so when browsing solutions from other players as you change solutions the solution annotations will change to the annotations submitted with that solution. We still let you create puzzle annotations in case you want to create additional annotations that will persist while you change solutions (as well as for lab admins to have a way to easily edit annotations after the fact). You can edit/remove annotations created by someone else (ie, changing puzzle annotations while solving a puzzle or changing the annotations on a solution you have loaded), but that change will only affect you (and if I remember correctly, will reset after reloading).

Having trouble adding a NT to an existing annotation. It kicks me into Create mode. I can do it manually by entering the NT number in edit but not by highlight. (OK by me) Correct?

Looks like I can only have one annotation active at a time. Correct?

Downloaded a file. deleted the original, uploaded the file and it works (test2) but it deleted my (test3) file. You may want to test, that could be a problem for innocent users like myself.

@LFP6 - you are doing a great job. I am not tying to annoy you. We should blame this on
Astromon for those Annotation puzzles that perked my curiosity and DigitaleEmbrace for the excellent video that added fuel to the fire.

I had annotation test22, I exited Eterna, came back in into the puzzle and test22 no longer exists as an annotation. I think I broke the annotation feature. Annotation is a Interesting feature, I’ll have to think of how I want to use it. I’ll come back and play around with it in a day or two. Thanks.

Having trouble adding a NT to an existing annotation. It kicks me into Create mode. I can do it manually by entering the NT number in edit but not by highlight. (OK by me) Correct?

I thought that it should let you edit via highlighting, but evidently not. I don’t remember why I opted for this behavior, but it might be something we want to change.

Looks like I can only have one annotation active at a time. Correct?

If by “active” you mean “selected”, that’s correct

Downloaded a file. deleted the original, uploaded the file and it works (test2) but it deleted my (test3) file. You may want to test, that could be a problem for innocent users like myself.

The intended behavior is to replace existing annotations, if that’s what you mean. Maybe we should make that configurable, or at least have a warning/confirmation message

I had annotation test22, I exited Eterna, came back in into the puzzle and test22 no longer exists as an annotation

Did you create it as a puzzle annotation rather than a solution annotation? Puzzle annotations are re-set to their original values when re-loading a puzzle.

Players can add multiple annotations to puzzles and lab designs (solutions). Here is a fun puzzle with annotations by AndrewKae - tutorial puzzle - and a solution I submitted to Omicron lab.

Yes, you can have multiple annotations to one puzzle but you can not (at least for me) display the highlights of each annotation at the same time. Correct?

Yep, that’s correct, as it’s intent is to tell you which bases are correlated to the bit of text you selected. If you put them into a group/folder and select the group, it might highlight all of them? I can’t remember

Also keep in mind one annotation can include bases that aren’t attached to each other in any way

I do not believe there is a way to have all highlights appear at once on the display.