EteRNA Medicine Puzzle Progression & Interface Feedback

MS2 stamping tool doesn’t seem to be working for me in level 10 of supercomputer

  • nevermind, after waiting about ten minutes it is now working. either was very slow to load or … I dont know

I can’t even shrink it enough to see the ‘next puzzle’ button on some of them, using my laptop

Hi to quickly get back to your progression in the progression puzzles just go to your cleared puzzles in your profile and click your last cleared puzzle!!! (until the bug is fixed)

Also here is something else about visual problems I’m having in the progression puzzles thanks

Hi to quickly get back to your progression in the progression puzzles just go to your cleared puzzles in your profile and click your last cleared puzzle!!! (until the bug is fixed)

I’ve created a new account for testing, and I’m stuck in a loop. Everytime I click “I agree I am 13 or over” then I’m sent to the stanford survey thing. When I decline the survey, I’m taken back to the “I agree I am 13 or over” dialog box.  *Update* I was able to move on by clicking the “I agree to the terms of service”

The “Lab Access” link in the linear puzzle progress graphic points to a blank page

Completing the new puzzle progression doesn’t create a white checkmark on baby blue field for the supercomputer level, unlike the previous 9 - perhaps due to the level 4 not properly submitting when solved?

Creating a puzzle doesn’t seem to affect the progress bar of the create a puzzle side project. same with creating a script

Hi!! here is this bug>>>


My Feed page is not working correctly, The “More messages” option is not loading the requested information after clicking the button.

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“The “Lab Access” link in the linear puzzle progress graphic points to a blank page”
Same for me too.

Same here.

The new lab browser won’t load for me. :frowning:

When I try to open it, I just get this:

I have tried on chrome, edge, and firefox with the same result. I am running windows 10, if that makes a difference. 

Hi florescent probe 1 and 2 makes no sense to me and can be explained much better imo.

Finished all levels with no problem.  The progression becomes dead space after everything is complete. Down the road may want to replace with 2 larger buttons like lab and player puzzles/challenges (if not complete) since that’s where players will most likely go. 

May want a “go back to Main Page” button somewhere.  Top of page LHS of player icon maybe?

Hi, here is a misspelling in the hint>> And this

 Hmm,  maybe ill hold off on installing windows 10.  

I’m also running windows 10

Hi these progression puzzles are so awesome that they have hindered my cloud labs !!! so i want to request a later dead line!!!   Thanks in advance!!!  :D   :stuck_out_tongue:   :slight_smile:   (ps I wish to fill all my slots this round)

I’ve finished all the puzzles finally after taking a break to play in the lab.  I see that the new format has been added to eternagame.  Has this been done with all the new things suggested by people and should we go through this new set?

FWIW: I knew that as an existing player, I did not have to immediately complete the new puzzle progression to get to the active lab.  And yet, I couldn’t find my way there without consulting a dev. So if you happen to be in the same boat, here’s the “trick”:  click on the big START button on the landing page.

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