The Strategy Guide to solve EteRNA Puzzles

My method pretty much follows this and others, with one tweak. I start with all blue-yellow through the entire puzzle.  If there are any 1-1 pairs, I turn them red at the same time, boosting all loops and bulges, and then begin to flip chain ends. As I go through the puzzle, I then remove unnecessary boosts. It is not needed to make the puzzle ALL white before starting to satisfy requirements. This works quickly for me 90% of the time in non-switch puzzles. It does not work well for switches! 

My tutorial excurse me about bad English and bad voice quality 


Worseize, thank you very much for your fine lab design tour!

I think this video is going to be a great help also to newer lab players who are still wondering how to go about the lab and how to use different lab tools. Plus I always find it interesting seeing how others go about their lab work. 

I very much enjoyed this video and plan to watch it again. I’m curious about why you paint many of the nt’s blue.  BTW, your English and voice were great! Well done and thank you!

I have resorted to taking a picture of the screen with my phone.